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The Law of Relativity

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe

7/24/20244 min read

a white and yellow object with writing on it
a white and yellow object with writing on it

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe

While doing research for this book, there was a basic consensus of what the twelve universal laws are and then there are many optional lists. One writer we researched even wrote about the 12 Universal Laws and the 21 Sub Laws. No wonder people can be confused!!

What about when you are trying to share and grow with another individual or group of people and you are working from the assumption that you are on the same wave length. I bet if you asked them, you would find out their list of Universal Laws are not the same as yours. Our objective was to simplify the concepts and to provide simple, practical ways to apply these concepts to make our lives what we want them to be. For each of the twelve laws, we have included specific questions, suggestions, and exercises to help you achieve YOUR goals, both spiritual and physical, with regard to the activities and situations in your life which are governed by that law.

The Ninth Law: Law of Relativity

Everyone is tested as an opportunity to grow and strengthen. Law of relativity states that nothing is good or bad, big or small... until you RELATE it to something. I just had to say that.

The simplest definition of relative is existing or having its specific nature only by relation to something else; not absolute or independent.

The law of relativity tells us that everything in our physical world is only made real by its relationship or comparison to something. Light only exist because we compare it to dark. Good can only exist because we compare it to bad. Hot can only exist because we compare it to cold. Is this reality or is it a judgment based upon our perspective, or both?

All things are relative. If you are an average income earner and you compare yourself to a millionaire your economic situation would not look good, but if you compare yourself to a poor boy in Africa your situation would be one of abundance. There is no big nor small, fast nor slow, except by comparison. Everything just IS.

How we relate is RELATIVE. Ponder that thought for a second. Once we put a relationship definition on something it effects our attitudes, our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.

When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. You are using the law against yourself. Begin using this law to heighten your self esteem. When you compare yourself to those who have not mastered a talent or ability, how do you feel then? Do you still feel less than adequate? Or do you feel hopeful? Or maybe you even feel masterful! Again, all three of these emotions could be valid but they are based upon YOUR equation of the comparison.

Whenever the law is properly used, you win. How is that possible? Let's remember that everyone does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every person you meet.

This means there is no good or bad, only room to change, grow and improve.

Nothing in life has any meaning, except for the meaning that we give it so make sure to use the law of relativity in your favor. Why choose anything less?

Think about it. You may see yourself as poor, but if your household brings in more than $24,000 a year in income then you are in the top 10% of all wage earners in the World. To someone in another country earning only $14 a week, you who earns $24,000 a year are wealthy beyond imagination. So, how do you determine if you are wealthy? Again, it is all relative.

The Law of Relativity can work in conjunction with the other 11 Universal Laws if only you know how to use it to your benefit. If all things are relative, if we determine big and small, rich and poor, good and bad by what we relate it to, maybe we should be diligent in choosing what we compare things to.

We already know from the other universal laws that we need to be grateful and positive in our thinking, so why not compare our situation to one that is not our idea of achievement or something that we consider less than our own? If we do this then we will continue to be positive and grateful for what we have and what we are.

You will always be able to find someone that is better than you or that has more than you, but you will also always find someone that is not as good as you, that has less than you. It is all relative. The important thing here, is to leave your ego aside.

Quit comparing yourself. Everyone can do something better than you and you can do something better than everyone else. Start focusing on the things that you have that are better, be grateful for what you have and you will start attracting that which you want faster.

From a spiritual point of view, we can remove barriers of labeling and accept everything 'as is'. From A New Earth by: Eckhart Tolle: "In form, you are and will always be inferior to some, superior to others. In essence, you are neither inferior nor superior to anyone. True self-esteem and true humility arise out of that realization. In the eyes of the ego, self-esteem and humility are contradictory. In truth, they are one and the same."

Each person has opportunities, probably daily, for the purpose of strengthening the light within them and giving them pause to analyze not just their environment but how they as a person fit into the environment, how they effect that environment and how they can grow and change both themselves and their environment. . This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, There is always someone who is in a worse position. So if we are better off than others, how can we effect more positive change for all?
The question is “What is relative? And I say to you the answer is it is all relative, what will you do with it?.

HINT: The bottom line - The Law of Relativity is really about gratitude.