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The Law of Attraction

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe


8/26/20245 min read

man in red jacket reading book
man in red jacket reading book

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe

While doing research for this book, there was a basic consensus of what the twelve universal laws are and then there are many optional lists. One writer we researched even wrote about the 12 Universal Laws and the 21 Sub Laws. No wonder people can be confused!!

What about when you are trying to share and grow with another individual or group of people and you are working from the assumption that you are on the same wave length. I bet if you asked them, you would find out their list of Universal Laws are not the same as yours. Our objective was to simplify the concepts and to provide simple, practical ways to apply these concepts to make our lives what we want them to be. For each of the twelve laws, we have included specific questions, suggestions, and exercises to help you achieve YOUR goals, both spiritual and physical, with regard to the activities and situations in your life which are governed by that law.

The Seventh Law: Law of Attraction

Have you ever been driving and thought about changing lanes, only to glance back and discover you have already begun to move into the next lane? In a physical sense, this is a metaphor for the Law of Attraction, which in simplest terms indicates that “where your attention goes, your energy flows.”

The Law of Attraction is just that simple AND just that complex. The word “attention” includes thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, concentration, and actions. Because, at the core, all of these are energy, the Law of Attraction is about where we focus our energy. It is also about the type of energy we are generating or upon which we are focused.

We attract to us whatever we concentrate or focus on. If our thoughts are negative or our emotions project low energy vibrations such as fear or anger, we draw more of the same negativity to us. Conversely, when we project through our thought, feelings, and actions qualities that are high vibrational energies such as love, compassion, and caring, we draw these qualities and this type of energy to us.

I have always believed in man’s ability to change, to become who and what we want to be. I have always believed in man’s ability to bring to ourselves, to manifest, what we “put our minds to.” For me, this incorporates the fullness of the Law of Attraction.

According to Dick Sutphen, in his book Lighting the Light Within, published in 1987, the Law of Attraction states you can only draw to you the qualities you possess. I agree, up to a point. But the “point” is this: Our subconscious minds do not understand the difference between actual experiences and imagined experiences. When all of our senses are engaged, when we are fully focused on a quality, action, attitude, or thing, the Law of Attraction works to bring whatever it is into our sphere, bringing it to us, as if we were a magnet for that energy, that experience.

Therefore, if you focus on being more loving, even though you have not developed that quality or characteristic in the past, the focus on Being Love and Being Loving will bring loving energy to you. From a psychological perspective, this begins to change attitude and behavior, and you become more loving. From a metaphysical perspective, this brings about an energetic shift, drawing higher vibrational energy to you. And because the focus on being loving raised vibrations, this resonates and brings more love and more loving behavior to you.

So the Law of Attraction isn’t just about drawing more of who we are to us. It is about “creating” things, events, and even people in our lives. We definitely can, and frequently do, attract to us only energies reflecting the same energies we have demonstrated in the past (who we are or who we were). However, if we desire to have something else, something other than what we have already experienced, in our lives, we can attract that to ourselves through the complete focus of our thoughts and feelings. When we focus with our complete attention…engaging our thoughts, feelings, and senses through our imagination….this allows our subconscious mind to know and remember these thoughts as experiences. As we create the experience and project this energy, we bring more of this same energy back to us.

Because the Law of Attraction works unwaveringly, we can use it predictably, with intention, to work for us. It will work 100%, 100% of the time! The challenge is to align our thoughts with 100% focus on what we want….as if we have it now. Focusing 100% on what we want means we do NOT deviate into fear of not having or not being what we want. (This will, of course, draw FEAR, LACK, ANXIETY, LOW SELF ESTEEM, and DOUBT to us.) Focusing 100% means we do NOT focus on any alternative. (This will only divide our attention, which will disrupt timing and attract two types of energy, two outcomes, when we are only desiring one positive outcome). And focusing 100% on what we want means we let go of any language, any thoughts, about what we do NOT want….stating, even to ourselves, what we DO want in our lives. (Thinking about what we DON”T want, even with the best of intentions, still creates and draws to us that which we do NOT want!)

It is also important to understand that the Law of Attraction works in concrete ways. It is similar to our own subconscious in a couple of significant ways. 1) It does not operate with negative qualifiers. You’ve tried to NOT think about the elephant, and realized that is all you can think about! 2) The Law of Attraction WILL work predictably 100% of the time. It is up to us to make sure what we are focusing on is ecological. We need to make sure what we believe we want truly IS what we want and that once we have it, the outcome for ourselves and the people around us is positive. An example of NOT being ecological and drawing to ourselves exactly what we focus on is the story of a young mother. After a particularly trying day with her twin four year old boys, she focused on her need for more patience. By focusing on “more patience,” she attracted more situations which seemed out of control, chaotic, and required more reserves of patience. By the time the twins were ready for school, no school was ready for them!

By consciously acknowledging the Law of Attraction and consciously choosing what we think about, what we project through our emotions, and how we act, we can consciously create and draw to ourselves what we want in our lives. That is how the Law of Attraction works and how we can make it work for us.