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The Law of Action

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe


7/29/20244 min read

man diving in water
man diving in water

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe

.The Third Law: Law of Action

The Law of action states that you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. There must be action for things to manifest. Without action (thought is action) nothing would exist. Actions are connected and aligned with thoughts and emotions.

1. Websters: the initiating of a proceeding in a court of justice by which one demands or enforces one's right; also : the proceeding itself

2. 2: the bringing about of an alteration by force or through a natural agency

3. 3: the manner or method of performing: a : an actor's or speaker's deportment or expression by means of attitude, voice, and gesture b : the style of movement of the feet and legs (as of a horse)c : a function of the body or one of its parts

4. 4: an act of will

5. 5a : a thing done : deed b : the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetitionc plural : behavior, conduct <unscrupulous actions>d : initiative, enterprise <a man of action>

6. 6a (1) : an engagement between troops or ships (2) : combat in war <gallantry in action>b (1) : an event or series of events forming a literary composition (2) : the unfolding of the events of a drama or work of fiction : plot (3) : the movement of incidents in a plot c : the combination of circumstances that constitute the subject matter of a painting or sculpture

7. 7a : an operating mechanism b : the manner in which a mechanism or instrument operates

The Law of Action, taking deliberate actual action is a prerequisite to manifest things on earth. Actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words are what fuels the fire, expands the energy and increase the vibration. The Law of action is the natural progression when one is in harmony and alignment with ones passion, purpose, and goals. This Law states that it is a must to do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. Without action, writing that blog, speaking that message, taking that class, making that phone call, etc… dreams will remain in the realm of dreams. Goals are brought into fruition, achieved and recognized by self and others when the vibration births mass, the tangible quantifiable response to application of action. In straight speak – one must take actions that are in harmony with thoughts and dreams proceeding forward in conscious awareness towards that which you wish to accomplish or there will be no result. This is where most of us falter and stumble when seeking to succeed in any arena.

Why is it that so many stop short of the finish line? Could it be fear, doubt, laziness or lack of passion that gets in the way? Take a moment, reflect upon an occasion where for whatever reason, justified or not, you simply failed to act. Why? What was it that held you back? If a dream or goal fills you with joy, passion, exuberant energy, why not take that first step? Why not initiate contact? Why deny self the return of energy, the literal compensation, and the miraculous gifts that inspired conscious action coupled with spirit / soul harmony produces in magical quantities.

When you take action, from the smallest thing; writing a To-Do list, waking in the morning and stating this is a beautiful day with a smile in your heart and joy on your face, how about wishing another a wonderful day. This sets into motion the continued propelling vibrations that change your immediate future, and if you in conscious awareness day after day engage in action, it may become a habit a lifestyle choice where the results will be exponential.

The Law of Action is also related to the Law of Cause and Effect. The cause is the action taken, when engaged energetically, intellectually, spiritually or physically the action will elicit a corresponding effect. This effect may be instantly recognizable to you or others while at the same time only the Universe will know of the effect. One thing is certain, there will be an effect. The day to day living experienced by humanity is filled with action. It is when performing these actions which correspond with our free will and desires that the universe creates results, reactions and responses to bring into your life. If in a moment of frustration the emotion of anger or judgment is portrayed the reciprocal action is mirrored in the original action. More anger, judgment and frustration will be felt, sensed and experienced. To alter the cycle, simply choose to feel different, see the circumstance or issue as an opportunity to act in loving joy. Realize that each of us has the power to radically alter the current paradigm. For those that are experiencing less that happiness, look within to determine the root cause and take action to reclaim the effect you desire.

The failure to take that first initial action greatly reduces the future of results. The Law of Action is one that is sadly overlooked and missed of the Universal Laws. This Law indicates that mere thought is action however thought alone will produce only moderate returns. To fully bask in the glory of aligned action one must act. It will be most difficult to bring into being (manifest) without taking action. And yes, writing, or stating positive affirmations and visualizing are definite acts however so many of us stop at once we have affirmed or created that mental picture. Action in conjunction with positive intention builds the energy, increases the vibration and creates Universal reaction. What is it that holds you anchored in place? What would be the worst that may happen if you took action? Take the step! Make it happen! Allow the universe to answer you with peace, joy, and prosperity.